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After a gemstone has been cut and polished,  the final carat weight that remains is expressed  as  a  percentage  of  the  weight  of  the  original  uncut rough gem. The less wastage, the higher  the yield is said to be. Lapidarists take different  approaches to different gemstones. For example,  large  opaque  gemstones  are  often  cut  to  maximise carat weight, whereas gems that have  strong brilliance and dispersion should be cut to  maximise the gem’s beauty. 

Unfortunately, today, we all too often see gems  that are cut so as to reach certain rounded carat  weights, rather than to truly unveil the beauty of  the gem. When buying gems such as Tanzanite  and Paraiba, be sure to check the quality of the  cutting,  especially  if  its  weight  is  marginally  over a rounded carat weight.

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