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The wearing  of  rings  can  be  traced  back  tens of thousands of years, where grasses and woods were worn for both personal adornment  and  as  a  talisman.  Around  4,900  years  ago,  there  is  evidence  that  ancient  Egyptians  exchanged  bands  in  an  early  form  of  the  wedding ceremony and it is believed that these  bands were associated with never ending and  immortal love. It is also said that these ancient  Egyptians also wore the band on the 4th finger,  as they believed it contained a special vein that  connected the finger directly to the heart.

Whilst the Egyptian tradition of giving a ring  was based on demonstrating love and affection,  Roman men gave their brides a ring to show  ownership! 

In Medieval times, while the rich were wearing rings made of Silver and Gold, the poor were able to obtain bands made from iron and cooper.    See also Wedding Rings, Engagement Rings,  Eternity Bands, Cluster Rings and Solitaires

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