a message from Dave

This project is very personal to me, and I’ve been working on it with Steve Bennett for two years. We can’t wait for you to discover the benefits of Nootropics! All the health benefits of the mushrooms come in special blends formulated in-house with our specially selected Colombian coffee and Gambian hot chocolate. They’re smooth, healthy, and delicious!


Silk Road utilises the science of Nootropics in delicious coffee and hot chocolate blends. Mushrooms – known as nature’s pharmacy – have long been associated with performance-enhancing properties. Studies are being conducted with mushrooms and their ability to aid different ailments, and we are using these to help unlock the best version of you.


Pom Pom Blanc Mushroom

Found in North America, Europe and Asia, this mushroom earned its name from its wild, shaggy appearance, which resembles the mane of a lion or a cheerleader’s pom pom. So, it is known in France as Pom Pom Blanc. Our blends that feature this mushroom extract is said to aid memory, boost immunity and improve energy levels – plus, they’re delicious to drink.

Ganoderma Mushroom

Ganoderma Lingzhi, also known as ‘Reishi’, has an extraordinary fan-like shape. This fungus is naturally soft, flat, and cork-like; however, when extracted and used in our coffee and hot chocolate blends, it has a variety of benefits. As well as being smooth and tasty, our Ganoderma blends are said to boost immunity, improve memory and fight fatigue.


All the health benefits of the mushrooms we use are offered in a special blend, formulated in-house with are specifically selected South American coffee.

Right from the start, we knew that we never wanted to compromise the flavour of our coffee in favour of incorporating the medicinal properties of the mushrooms. Therefore, we worked with the best coffee sommeliers in order to vet our potential blends before starting production.

After trying varying origins of coffee from all over the world, we decided on a Colombian blend specifically from Medellin.

This dark roast formed the perfect base for the mushroom extract to work with.

The end result is a smooth, balanced and intense blend, with slight nutty and chocolatey undertones.

By taking our time and staying committed to the cause, we believe we have created not just the most delicious cup of coffee in the world, but also the healthiest!

The Hot Chocolate (Cacao)

One of our missions for Silk Road was to deliver the best hot chocolate using these Nootropic mushrooms for everyone to enjoy. Similar to with our coffee blends, we were guided by professionals in order to identify not only what makes a great cup of cacao, but also where the best chocolate comes from! We tried and tested a variety of hot chocolate from around the world and didn’t rest until we finally found the perfect flavour.

Using our knowledge and research, we have been able to produce a silky, smooth and indulgent chocolate experience using high-quality ingredients from Asante, in modern-day Gambia. Additionally, to highlight the taste even further, we tweaked the blend so the addition of mushroom didn’t compromise the taste. With both Pom Pom Blanc and Ganoderma blends of hot chocolate available, you have the freedom to enjoy the health benefits of both.

Just a few of our happy customers